Picture Books

Your Voice, Your Vote, HarperCollins, December 19, 2023

Discover both the past and present day’s fight to vote with Quetta Little as she learns the power of casting your vote.

HarperCollins * Indiebound * Amazon * Goodreads

The Courage of the Little Hummingbird, Abrams Books for Young Readers, April 11, 2023

A freshly retold animal fable about heroism, hope, and community.

AbramsBooks * indiebound * Amazon * Goodreads

“Brave the crowds to get this one, wherever you are.” ―Kirkus starred review―Feb. 2023

“Lyrical text from Henderson offers quiet power to this tale of one connective voice creating a better place for all . . .” – PW starred review– May 2023

Daddy Speaks Love, Nancy Paulsen Books/Penguin, January 4th, 2022

A love letter to the big and small ways fathers show love, inspired in part by the words of George Floyd’s daughter.

PenguinRandomHouse * Indiebound * Amazon * Goodreads

A Day For Rememberin’, Abrams, May 11th, 2021

Tells the story of a community of newly freed enslaved men, women and children and loyalists in Charleston, S.C., who came together in 1865 to remember and honor the lives of fallen soldiers after the Civil War, an event considered to be one of the first celebrations of what is now called Memorial Day.

Abrams Books for Young Readers * IndieBound * Amazon * Goodreads

A Junior Library Guild Selection

“A treasure.” ―Kirkus Review-starred ―March 2021


Together We March, Atheneum/Simon&Schuster, January 19, 2021

A nonfiction picture book about protest movements throughout history.

Atheneum/Simon & Schuster * IndieBound * Amazon * Goodreads


“All kinds of marches—many linked to children and youth—are described in lively language and illustrated with bright cartoons that emphasize diversity among participants and illustrate the banners and posters carried. … Connections among marches and themes repeated due to unchanging social and political conditions are pointed out and are one of the book’s strengths…. This inspiring book will encourage activism.” — Kirkus Reviews – starred review ― December 2020

Your Voice, Your Vote, HarperCollins, Winter 2024

Quetta Little learns the power of casting your vote with the help of her mother and grandmother, as they overcome many obstacles meant to keep them from the voting booth on Election Day.

Mamie on the Mound, Capstone, January 1, 2020

From sandlots to the professional league, Mamie ‘Peanut’ Johnson went from pitching on her grandmother’s farm in South Carolina to becoming the only female pitcher in the Negro Leagues.

  Capstone    IndieBound   Amazon   Goodreads                 


“An incredible tribute to an African American woman who dismantled racial and gender obstacles amid the civil rights movement.”

–Kirkus Reviews, October 2019